Your One-Stop Shop to Become a Notary in South Dakota

The American Association of Notaries offers a simple step-by-step guide to become a South Dakota notary. With our help, becoming a South Dakota notary is easy and hassle-free.

To become a notary in South Dakota, you must:

  • 1- Be at least 18 years old.

  • 2- Be a permanent resident of South Dakota or a resident of a county bordering South Dakota and maintain a place of work or business in South Dakota.

  • 3- Never have been convicted of a felony. 

Steps to Become a Notary in South Dakota

To become a notary public in South Dakota, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements listed above and then complete the five steps listed below:

Step 1- Order a South Dakota notary stamp/seal

South Dakota requires all notary applicants to affix an impression of their notary seal on their notary application. Save up to 40% on South Dakota notary supplies on our website. Click here to order a South Dakota notary package that includes your notary bond and notary supplies.

Step 2- Order a six-year, $5,000 South Dakota notary bond

South Dakota law requires all notary applicants to obtain a six-year, $5,000 notary bond. Our notary bond includes a complimentary $5,000 insurance policy to protect you from unintentional mistakes. Click here to order a notary bond. The notary bond is available for download immediately upon checkout.

Step 3- Complete a notary public application

Our online wizard will guide you step by step to complete your South Dakota notary application. Click here to start your South Dakota notary application.

Step 4- Mail your notary application and filing fee

Mail your signed notary application along with the $30 filing fee to the South Dakota Secretary of State. Payments should be in the form of a check or money order payable to the secretary of state. 

Step 5- Wait to receive your commission certificate

You are not considered a notary public until you receive your notary commission certificate from the South Dakota Secretary of State.  Be sure to refrain from notarizing documents until you have received your commission certificate.

Everything You Need to Become a Notary in South Dakota

Only $73.95*
Includes a One-year Membership to AAN

Limited time offer - save up to 40% on notary supplies

This South Dakota notary package includes:
Six-year, $5,000 South Dakota notary bond.
Six-year, $5,000 South Dakota error & omissions insurance policy included at no additional charge.
Trodat self-inking rectangular notary stamp
One-year membership to AAN
Four years of expert support
E-notary journal
Your Cost: Only $73.95*

* The South Dakota Notary Package I may be purchased separately at the same net savings without the state mandatory six-year, $5,000 notary bond for $23.95 plus $9.95 for shipping. Enter item # P101 on the order form. The South Dakota Notary Package II may be purchased separately at the same net savings without the state mandatory six-year, $5,000 notary bond for $35.90 plus $9.95 for shipping. Enter item # P102 on the order form. The South Dakota six-year, $5,000 notary bond may also be purchased separately for $50.00. Discounts and savings apply only to supplies.

** Required by South Dakota notary law.

Notary bonds and errors and omissions insurance policies provided by this insurance agency, American Association of Notaries, Inc., are underwritten by Western Surety Company, Universal Surety of America, or Surety Bonding Company of America, which are subsidiaries of CNA Surety.